Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Good Shepherd

Black museums are the final front in the battle for the preservation of our history. There has been a constant effort to erase or cover our contributions to civilization.

 Philanthropists and Historians play a part in this effort. Curriculum in public schools has never been a place where our history can be explored in depth. Thus making Black museums the only institution that will present our story with omissions and distortions. If we don’t support these institutions we stand to lose the last resource that is dedicated to the preservation of history. If that happens we will in effect relegate our children and the children of other races to the distorted and pure falsehoods and, in effect disconnect them from their historical blueprint for how to succeed.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Malcolm X: The Full Scope

This November Manning Marable will release Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention. This book has been in the works for over 15 years. Below is video from an interview with Manning Mararble from 2005 when he discusses amongst other things, the three missing chapters of Alex Haley's Autobiography of Malcolm X.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

NEWBO's: The Rise of America's New Black Overclass

I watch a lot of documentaries and biographies on Hulu since I don't own a TV (and don't really plan to soon). I figured I'd begin posting some of the better ones here on the blog. This is one I watched a few weeks ago. I think it's inspirational for any young African American looking to move into business or honestly, any type of professional career. We always see bad examples of our people but this highlights numerous African-American MALES who are making moves. Check it out. Let us know what you think. Peace.