October of 2008 Mary Mary released their fourth album, The Sound, produced by Mega producer, Warryn Campbell. The singles found on the track are; "Get Up," a fast-paced anthem for motivation, "I Worship You," with guest appearances from many Gospel greats, and "God in Me" featuring Kierra KiKi Sheard,
recently released in 2009, a T-Pain -like "club banger!" Let's just say, like typical Mary Mary, the album breaks the mold with an advanced urban sound that crosses over contemporary Christian with Hip Hop, Soul and R&B. Features from the album range from David Banner to Andre Crouch, and many more. All in all, one could say this is not your grandmother's gospel CD. Mary Mary has been known to push the envelop with their music, image, and associations in the past, but this time have they gone too far?
Your article clearly articulates that you hold a strong opinion about the image or persona that the latest album is projecting. Because of the nature of the article, with it being an opinion, it takes kind of a condescending tone... KINDA. But, I do agree with some of your points: the idea that they may have had a push from someone on their team to put together an album (or create an image) that would appeal to a more secualr group of people; a mixed message- the idea of young urban kids who may not have access to Christ listening to this album... "They're hearing 'God', no matter what the message says..."; associating secular artists with themselves to either show that all people love God or that they're down with "cool people". I saw them perform on the BET Awards and had a similar reaction. I didn't understand what they were trying to say. Additionally, I felt guilty listening to the song! At any rate, their relationship with God is personal & they are held accountable for the way that they utilize their talents & gifts. Enjoyed the article!
Shari A.
Atlanta, GA
Ey, when i first heard "It's the God in me", I changed the station because of the auto tune-like sound and I complained to and with several people about how gospel is going wrong...but eventually the song grew on me. I realize that I listen to hip hop because of the beat and gospel for the message behind it. So maybe it serves a purpose in combining the two.
I love their sounds. Sure it's not your usual gospel type stuff, but I think they are nobel for trying to relate to people other than just my grandma. I love their new single "God in me". When I hear it I sing along and it reminds me that I should give God all the credit for the good things in my life. And just because they team up with secular artists, it shouldn't detract from their message/theme of Christianity and God's love. Christians come in all flavors, we should learn to accept that and not shun those that sound different.
i'll keep this short, as it is merely another opinion - and we all know how plentiful those are. the bottom line is that mary mary is a group of artists - even deeper, a group of human beings much like you and i.
as artists, they do not have any responsibility to anyone but themselves and God (an opinion). they do not have to do anything the way we would like for them to. they do not have to do anything at all. if mary mary wants, then mary mary can stop singing right now, sit on their millions and start a swinger's club for christians (i know many self-proffessed christians who enjoy a good show at a swinger's club).
gov. palin is resigning, michael jackson got a couple nose jobs, mary mary sings hip-hop-toned gospel music.
so what?
why does it really even matter?
at the end of the day, the people i named above are people - just like us. they will make mistakes, they will be judged, they will be misunderstood.
hey, if they are truly doing something wrong in God's eyes (their relationship with God is personal, and beyond anything you or i could understand), then God will tell them so. i'm pretty sure that neither you, nor i have any authority over how mary mary lives their lives or expresses themselves through their talents.
maybe some of us should consider this thought when enjoying the gospel station on sunday, then enjoying the secular stations the other six days of the week. honestly, would you want someone telling you that YOU are not a real christian because you don't attend church service and listen to gospel music 24-7, 365?
christians questioning mary mary's christian motives is like the catholic church questioning the baptist or methodist church's christian motives, or vice versa. and don't get me started on contradiction.
when it's all said and done, this argument is an argument of opinions about artists - artists who will create and express themselves however they see fit.
aren't there more important things we could be arguing about, arguing for?
so much for keeping it short, huh?
- cambridge jenkins iv
Well nobody's really arguing. And it is a valid issue that is always discussed when a gospel artist attempts to reach a hipper, younger audience. This happened when Yolanda Adams performed with Kanye. This happened when Kirk Franklin put out Stomp. On some level, this happened with a group called The Canton Spirituals.
I'm really excited about what Mary Mary is doing right now because they're potentially drawing a new crowd of people to God or back to God. One of the main issues from the article in The Seed was that Mary Mary had Common and Kanye West in their video for God In Me. I don't understand why people would complain about a rapper being in a Christian artist's video when Christianity teaches us not to shun anyone.
Without a giving a sermon, I think Mary Mary is doing what Christians are suppose to do, reach out and touch others with the word of God. And Cambridge I think what they're doing is even more important on an artist level. The steps they're making for gospel music right now eventually have to be made for poetry and people will say some of the same things. Just like some people will say Mary Mary is selling out regarding religion, people will say a poet with a new style is selling out on what we know as poetry/spoken word. So this is very important from the perspective of today's poet/spoken word artist.
I think all of your comments are wonderful! Thank you for sharing your thoughts about my perspective on Mary Mary and their new endeavors. Again, I want to reiterate, that I love Mary Mary! It was difficult for me to even come to my own conclusion about their video. Initially, I was pretty indifferent towards the video...I simply loved the song. After doing a little research, I did question why I was so indifferent...maybe that was the problem...to be apathetic about something so powerfully visual, like a video...especially used as ministry, I should pay more attention. I think that discussing faith is very important, and can equally become very complex, due to the sensitive nature of our own personal convictions. Simultaneously, I think it's healthy to challenge some of our most powerful and talented artist to assess their message and purpose from time to time. If I didn't believe in Mary Mary, I probably wouldn't waste my time analyzing their artistry or career choices. Through constructive criticism, we hope that our loved ones improve and grow in their God given talents. In love, I say that I will continue to be a fan and support Mary Mary, as long as they continue to represent Christ and make great music. As a Christian, I will also do my best to hold those I consider my brothers and sisters accountable, as I would hope others would hold me accountable for my works. Representing yourself is one thing, but claiming to represent the King of King's is another. Fortunately and unfortunately to whom much is given, much is required. Entering into any industry that gives way to mass appeal, one should be prepared and almost welcome what may come. That is not to say that just because someone is famous we should be more critical. In the same breath, just because one is famous, we shouldn't be more lenient either.
I love hearing marymary new cd. i loved the words and it really reached out to the younger generation. but i start to turn it off when i hear it because its all on the rap and R&B stations. one station 107.9 mixes it with the worldly music and it sound so dumb. soon they gonna be playin it in the clubs and everyone is gonna be danceing to it.
I think everyone has good points and opinions. I believe the one thing that we are missing however is that you shouldn't mix secular and religious things. Its like mixing oil and water and you can't serve two masters. The reason why a lot of young people aren't in church is because the church is trying to mimic the world. People are looking for something different from the world and if the church is imitating the world then why come to church. I believe there is a way to have a nice hip sound but still remain Godly. When I first heard "The God in Me" I wasn't sure if it was secular or a church song.
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