Many of the problems in the African American community are issues that must be dealt with on the ground level. I remember last year when Obama stated that he can reform the education system but he can't wake up and take our children to school. However, when Obama was elected we acted as if all of our problems had been solved. We acted as if he was Superman and that he'd fix every problem in the African American community.
However, President Obama was not only Black people's president, he was elected as America's president which means he must better the country for everyone in America. He stated that his changes for America would trickle down and produce change for people in the Black community. He's been in office for one year but he's done quite a bit of work. Do you think he's brought about any significant change for the Black community so far? Do you think he's worked towards bettering the education system for our children? Are his changes trickling down in a positive way or negative way for African Americans? Should we in the Black community be pleased with President Barack Obama's performance so far? Are we getting what we voted for a year ago?
Is Obama Doing Enough For Black People?
I agree with Al Sharpton...
He's doing what he said he would do. I also agree with Osama bin laden. He's America's President so he has to do what's best for America. When has America had the betterment of black people on its agenda from a policy stance.
And if you do believe that Obama's work will trickle down and help the black community, it makes me ask myself. Are Blacks even considered Americans in the first place. How much should we even expect to be done on our behalf, especially considering the history of this country?
I agree with the post above. I think Blacks expect to much from this imperialist, capitalist system, on the whole. For Black people to want to reach true liberation in this society it would mean taking an anti-capitalist stance and questioning the people placed in front of us. Obama has never had the interest of the Black community at heart. We need to stop going for the sizzle where there is no steak.
We know that if the POTUS help any race in particular it would hurt his administration. Government doesnt like us, so why do we expect for a black man to get in the office and change things for us.When is the last time a President has done anything meaningful in one year? It takes a few years for his policies to take hold anyway. I voted for him to run for the country, not black folks.
I too voted for him to run the country...I'm getting what I thought I would get...actually a bit more in a positive way.
The TRUTH is that we ARE NOT going to "get what we want" or what we need from ANY president unless American citizens turn back to God. Neither Obama nor the future leadership will be able to fully tackle the coming problems because human ability is not the solution.
DVD "The Perfect Storm"
If you look at the video I think Jeff Johnson said it best. He's not gonna wave a magic wand and all of our woes will be solved. This political system only responds to pressure; political or financial. We as Black people go to this government with no real financial or political unity so nothing of an consequence ever gets done. Look at the jewish community, they don't march or protest they use political pressure and financial pressure and they get better results. All the energy we spend ranting and raving towards the government would be better spent solving the problems in our own community. NoTiQ you hit the nail on the head. Look at the history of this country and you'll see that politics is not the solution to our problems. Pres. Obama is doing the best he can for the AMERICAN problem which is excactly what he said he would do. Peace
I feel that people expected overnight results without realizing the extensive amount of setbacks that have occured over the past eight years. Realistically, the first concern is always econimics. Money. Money helps makes things happen a lot faster than speaking out and acting on current issues. Not to say that Obama does not care about Black people, because he truly does. It is the fact that support of the most influential people and the actions they carry out to help certain issues are more inclined to do these things when they are backed financially. When most of the money is backing a certain aspect, everyone of power will follow because they will not only be inclined to help because of their want to better the cause, but they will also reep a profit by investing in a cause worthwhile. Please understand that President Obama and those that can make a difference a true philanthropists with a humanitarian nature; just remember that they're operating in a world that is not like that, and they have to navigate through the way the world is set up in a way that the people of influence can recognize as being credible and worthy of support.
Sorry for the typos!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
He is exactly saying what he was going to do and that is try to help the AMERICAN people. We have to stop trying to find someone to look at just one ethnic group and focus on everyone as a whole. I know that we want to see more but we have to realize that it takes time.
Thanks to everyone that commented on the blog and as always your feedback is welcome. Peace.
Special interests actually this country, not the President. i think this needs to be said in order for everyone to stop making it a black/white and GOP/Democrat thing.
Obama can only do what he can only do.
Buenas noches
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